Friday, April 26, 2013

On the way

Mature Metal have posted my device! More soon!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

At Mature Matal

Mature Metal now has my device, and will shorten it by 3/4"

Thursday, April 18, 2013


My device should reach Mature Metal today!

Monday, April 15, 2013

On the way

My cage is now in Los Angeles, en route to Mature Metal!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Missing it

Damn, I miss being protected already! I miss the comforting weight of it. I know how Chirenon's bois love being protected now. Hurry up postal service, speed my protector to Mature Metal!

Underwear, of all things!

I'm unlocked now due to pain. Unfortunately, I only had one pair of clean underwear today (washing is on the line, and then it rained). They are very tight boxerbriefs. I'm assuming that they held the cage the wrong way. I have to wear them, so the cage had to come off. It will go back on later today though.

Good night

I slept through the night, only waking once. Even then, it wasn't the cage that woke me. I have showered, and have a tiny bit of soreness under my scrotum. I will try for 24 hours though.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I thought I should post a pic, so here you are!

Locked.. oh yeah, I forgot

I'm in my protector and barely even remember it is on. Admittedly, it has only been a few hours, but I forgot it was on. The acid test will be showering (the vaseline will come off) and sleeping tonight. It's working well now though.
Your protected boi,

Locked... kinda

Hello everyone,
I'm in my jailbird, although it is not secure. It looks like I will need a smaller ring and a shorter cage. I probably was a tiny bit erect when I took the measurements. Or my boifulness could be causing my nub to shrink. Anyway, I have spoken to Mature Metal and should hear back from them soon. Postage takes about 2 weeks each way, so I may be free for a month or more when I send it back to get fixed. I MIGHT be able to afford express post, but it is pricey. Anyway, I'm going to get used to being locked as much as I can while I have the device.

Roland, thanks so much for all your encouragement and advice! You are helping me keep inspired to be a good boi.

Bye for now,


Hi all,
I can get out of it, even with the anti-pullout pins. I have spoken with Mature Metal and we will try to work out what needs to be changed. They will make the changes and I intend to send it ICE/UPS (courier services) to them. I need locking, where I can be secure. Anyone wiling to lend me a metal device until my MM device is fuxed?
Insecurely protected,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It Arrived!

Hi All,
My Mature Metal device arrived! I'm not sure how my nub, small as it is will fit in, but I will be putting it on soon. I'm having one last release!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Device update

I still have no updates on my device, but I have spoken with USPS and Australia Post. They have said it is normal for no tracking updates for a week or 2 while it heads for Australia. I should get it late this week or next week. Soon!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Device update

Hi everyone,
My chastity device has passed through NYC and is hopefully on its way to Australia. Hurry up so I can be protected!