Sunday, July 29, 2012


Hi all,
I went to the gym today while locked. My back is telling me it was a BAD idea. I don't think it has fully healed. My birdlocked is fine though. The showers are in cubicles, but the doors are more like curtains. I was worried that someone might think it was vacant and come in while I was toweling off, but no one did.

By the way, can you please comment when you read this, just so I know people are viewing this blog.

Horny but locked,


  1. Hey Cody, I have had one blog or another over the years and I have cum to realize ONE important fact ... people rarely comment, most visitors are lurkers.

    People comment when something is extremely hot or erotic, or when you say something extreme.

    Just remember ... the number of comment sis NOT about the quality of your blog.
