Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Just got my uni results. Both 7 (top marks)! I was expecting 6s. Normally I would reward this with a release, locked or not. I gave my word to stay good this time though, so I will. 


  1. Cody,
    congratulations on your marvelous results! I really am proud of you regarding that - even if I am not your Master in any way, and thus have nothing to do with these great results of yours, as I had no influence on them in any way. But it is good to know that you stick to your word and not give in to any filthy boi-behaviour, just regardless of your great achievement - although from my pov, this really would be an event to celebrate properly. And as you are no good boi from my standards yet, I even would make some exception from my quite strict view about it for you. However, I of course appreciate that you yourself chose to opt against such. It might even be a very good sign for you being on a very good way to really become a good boi at last and enjoying it thereby. Or is it just that you are too exhausted by your latest adventure? The latter I of course do not hope to be true... ;-)))
    Stay good!

    1. Roland,
      Thank you for your congratulations. You did have something to do with my grades. Your encouragement helped me stay good, so that I put more effort into my study and less into cumming. As it was my exams that changed my grades from a 6 to a 7, it probably was my being good that changed it. Thank you!

      I promised before God to be good until the 8th, so I will be good until the 8th. My last adventure actually gave me more energy rather than less.
      Staying good,

    2. Cody,
      as I see it, I might have inspired you to be good, but your reports tell different about that. So I still have to refuse to have part in your great achievement. As I see it, you accompished that even despite not being a good boi to my standards - which is not impossible though. My strong advice though is: do not mix fantasy with reality too much. As I am not with you to really support you, I cannot accept to have played any meaningful part for you on that.

      What you promised before God or any power or force you describe by the term "God" is just only your own decision and business. Of course, I like your promise, but I am not any God at all, nor at all being your Master in any way. If your latest adventure actually energized you, all I can say is: good for you. Even as I think that your latest adventure is just inappropriate for any boi trying to be a good boi by my Definition of it. But this is just my thinking, I am neither judge nor jury regarding you.

      Nevertheless, I am indeed happy that I seemingly was able to inspire you by my comments. And again: my congratulations for having achieved such remarkable results!

      Stay good!

    3. Roland,
      I did not intend to deify you. I think you may have misunderstood me.

      What I meant was that I made a promise to God about not orgasming until the 8th, as well as the commitment I have made on the blog.

      Thanks for all your help. I am inspired by your comments.
      Staying good,
