Monday, June 17, 2013

More de-hairing, and device is on the way!

Hello everyone,
First the bad news, I went over my allowed eating budget yesterday by a square of chocolate and a can of soft drink. These were consumed to get my blood sugar levels back up to normal. I lost my wallet and it looked like it was gone for good. Eventually it was found at the restaurant I had been to with my dad earlier. I have a medical condition, and blood sugar drops that come after an adrenalin rush can be problematic for me. I plan to exercise more to combat that problem.

On to the good news. Firstly, I have been a good boi, although that more expected than news. Secondly, my de-hairing of my back is progressing well. I am still having trouble with a few areas, but I should have from the top of my buttocks to my shoulders done soon. After my first trim of my back (and of my front, separately) it looked like someone had had a hair trim. I knew I was hairy, but didn't know I was that hairy!

Finally, my device is well on the way! It was sent on the 11th, but the email about it being sent didn't get to me. It has been sent via USPS, so it should get here around the 26th. Unfortunately, I leave on the 26th and don't get back until the evening of the 30th. At least I should definitely have it by the 1st of July. Locking up will improve my productivity for the start of the new financial year.

About my statement about being a wild boi is Melbourne. I won't be fully wild. I plan to be locked most of the time. I will unlock for the plane flight (obviously) and will re-lock once I check in at my hotel. I may have some "play" with a guy I know down there, and if I do there is a possibility I may end up unlocking and cumming. By the way, after Friday's release, I reckon I should not cum until I get my device or the 3rd of June (release of university results), whichever happens first.

Staying good,

P.S. Due to a 5 min job that ended up taking 3 hours, I won't have time to dehair tonight. I won't stay up late to do it due to an end of semester exam tomorrow. I should be free to shave tomorrow arvo. I am also in touch with another guy who wants to be smooth, so we might get together and help each other. 

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